meikai|home organizing
Transform your space. Transform your life.
Step 1: Organizing the kitchen "infrastructure"
Everything comes out of the cupboards and is redistributed into organizing bins, with the kids getting in on the "fun" of labeling.
7-year old Sasha can't believe this mango smoothie has no sugar, and 3-year Eli eats a whole serving of quinoa pasta spiked with beets & zucchini, while the whole family dines on kale & white bean soup loaded with roasted veggies.
This project went beyond simply organizing the kitchen to also designing a roadmap for healthy eating. From whole foods store to oven to table, we
discuss the most nutritious foods to buy, test run new recipes, and devise a workable plan for preparing quick, easy, healthy meals over the long haul.
Drawers -- Dividers and more strategic placement of items
make it much easier to find that whisk or ladel.
Pots & pans -- Better use of existing sliders & shelves make pots & pans easily accessible.
Cupboards -- Pots & pans are put within easy reach, and
key items -- like baking supplies -- are grouped and easy to pull out.
"Patti has changed
my life .."
-- Alyson
Bergen County, NJ
Step 2: The whole family gets involved in shopping, cooking, labeling, and eating!
Two very busy working parents take charge of cooking healthy meals that the whole family will actually eat and
enjoy through this total kitchen makeover -- which includes healthy, easy menu planning and shopping tips.
Total Kitchen & Nutrition Transformation more kitchens
Fridge & freezer -- Every shelf has a specific purpose with
labels & bins making everything easy to find.
Before After
Before After